Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More about Head Lice

We got the dreaded letter from the school a couple weeks ago. It wasn't the most dreaded letter ("Your child is infested with head lice") but it was the second most dreaded one ("A child in your child's class is infested with head lice"). Iain's hair is pretty long, and we've told him if he gets head lice we are going to cut it really short. I personally do not believe that this constitutes child abuse, but I'm not sure that that's how Iain sees it.

I got out the industrial strength lice comb, which we haven't used since the girls were much younger, and combed him out thoroughly. No bugs, living or dead, but I did find a couple of bits of blue-green stuff that Iain identified as duct tape. ("How did you get duct tape in your hair?") We are still on Level Orange alert, but hopefully have dodged the bullet (or the bugs) this time.

I know everyone has been anxiously awaiting an update on the head lice committee. I couldn't make it to the meeting (it probably conflicted with some other meeting I had to go to), but I have reviewed and commented on the proposed new policy - and we just got the word that it has been approved.

The new policy requires parents to sign something that says they have treated their child before their child can return to school. We hope this will help. We shall see.


Unknown said...

is head lice can kill a person??hehehe i don't think so..i have friends that are dreads but they are not dead haahaha said...


I hope all is well. I wanted to bring to your attention a resource for lice that I think would be a great addition to you site. Healthline has a lice buyer’s guide that allows you to find the best lice treatment for your family.

You can see the guide here:

I am writing to ask if you would include this as a resource on your page:

Our buyer’s guide for lice products allows users to search for lice treatments in 5 different categories, view ratings and reviews for specific products, and receive information on where to purchase products.

Please consider adding this as a resource to your site as I believe it would be great value to your users.

I’m happy to answer any additional questions.

Thanks so much,
Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
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