Sunday, January 8, 2012

Epiphany: Chalking It Up

Today at Haygood we celebrated Epiphany. Epiphany (technically January 6) is notable in our house as the day that we can first make King Cake. But it's not the entire significance of the day, and this morning at the church service we were introduced to a new tradition (new for me, anyway), of blessing the house for the new year.

We got a piece of white chalk to bring home and write about our door "20 + C + M + B + 12." The first number indicates the century since Christ's birth, the letters are the initials of the names of the Magi, Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, and the last number is the year. The numbers and letters are separated by crosses. The letters can also stand for Christus mansionem benedicat - may Christ bless this house.

Since this morning, I've learned that this is traditional in some places in Europe. I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to write it inside or outside, so I decided to do both. And the white chalk didn't show on the light painted surfaces above the door, so I used a piece of pink sidewalk chalk instead. Now I've got the chalk blessing above my front door and a mezuza, left by the previous owners of my house, still on the frame of the back door.

If only I had time to take down the Christmas tree and make a King Cake, I would feel like I was ready for the season. But for today, I'll have to settle for chalk markings above the door.

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